The reason for this blog can be summed up in three words: I love food.
I love everything about it, except the inches it craftily adds to my waistline. I decided that I want to share this love of food with others who love it too – whether anyone will actually read this or not is another matter. But in any case, this is a place for me to ruminate about the glorious thing that keeps us alive and gives so many of us so much pleasure.
My entries will probably consist of recipes, restaurant reviews and tasting notes for wine and beer. I don’t claim to be an expert, or even to have any knowledge of food or drink beyond, ‘Yum, that tastes good’ or ‘Blech, please take that away…on second thought I’ll finish it anyway.’ However, I do have a passion for the edible and have watched enough cooking programs to know that antipasto doesn’t contain pasta and aspic isn’t what you put on a cut to keep it from getting infected.
Hopefully, my trials will be entertaining and useful to other would-be foodies, but if they’re not I will enjoy committing them to the semi-permanence of the internet anyway.
As of October 7, 2014 I will also be running a supper club in Folkestone and all details on how to get involved and when upcoming supper club events are will be on the blog too on the Supper Club page.
And remember, ‘a crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety’.
Bon appetit!
I’d love to hear your recipes, restaurant recommendations or to just share foodie thoughts, so leave me a comment or send me an email at contact@AcRustEaten.com!