Lasagne is one of those foods that I’ve had enough of. In my 27 short years, I’ve eaten enough lasagna to last me for the next 60 or so. Rotolo is like lasagne, admittedly, but this recipe is sufficiently different from vegetable lasagne that I decided to give it a try. The original recipe calls for butternut squash, but I had a pumpkin that had been sitting on my kitchen floor for the last month that needed using. This was a true store cupboard dinner: stale old dry lasagne sheets, frozen spinach, half a block of feta, one-month-old pumpkin. But it was delicious! Crispy bits of pasta, soft slightly sweet pumpkin, earthy spinach, salty, melted feta – how can you go wrong?

It is slightly labor intensive, but worth every minute and quite therapeutic in its repetitive processes – although the pile of dishes afterwards was less than relaxing. So whatever sad vegetables you’ve got laying around after Thanksgiving, wrap them in pasta, sprinkle with cheese and bake in a simple tomato sauce for some post-holiday comfort food.
Bon appetit(without the meat)!